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CEO Update: Enhancing employee well-being

We believe in taking care of ourselves and our employees at CMH. That’s why we created an employee wellness program to provide resources for employees to better their health.

To incentivize participation, we offer a zero-premium health insurance plan. Employees who meet participation goals can join our basic health insurance plan with no premium for the employee’s coverage. What a great benefit for our employees.

Others are taking notice of our efforts. In 2022, the Springfield Business Journal recognized CMH for the Corporate Wellness Program of the Year. We have 62% of our employees participating in the wellness program — 1,400 employees taking steps toward better health and well-being. Other organizations struggle to get 30 or 40% of their employees to participate.

As the program coordinator, Alyson Ankrom leads the program well and is very passionate about it.

Continue reading or watch a video to learn more from Alyson about CMH’s Employee Wellness Program and what the future holds for the program.

About CMH Employee Wellness

CMH funds the employee wellness program, and employees can access an online personal health management portal free of charge. The goal is to create a culture of wellness by providing resources to help employees achieve optimal health and well-being.

Activities are divided into lifestyle categories such as weight, exercise, nutrition and stress. After taking an online health assessment, the portal gives employees focus items to take action toward improving their health. For those with one or more health risks, we want to engage them in programs and behaviors that can change their risk status.

We also encourage and reward employees for annual wellness visits and preventive care screenings.

What’s next

We are always looking for ways to grow and meet the needs of our employees.

Based on our most recent needs assessment, it is apparent that personalized feedback and coaching is something that our employees want. We are currently piloting nutrition coaching with our CMH dietitians and exploring the possibility of offering access to fitness centers and financial education and tools.

Supporting the well-being of our workforce allows us to take care of ourselves and serve patients and our community to the fullest.

Moving toward better health

CMH is working strategically to grow and expand the wellness program. We want to know what is important to our employees, so we encourage everyone to provide feedback through surveys.

Also, we really want all our employees to participate in the wellness program. So please participate in the program, and make it fun. It truly can be fun to move toward better health and well-being.

Michael Calhoun shares the latest happenings at CMH in his monthly CEO Updates. He is the CEO/executive director of CMH and the Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation.

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